Aerospace Federal Credit Union is migrating to a new AeroAccess Internet Banking system. You need to take action to ensure that you will continue to be able to use Quicken® to retrieve transactions from your Aerospace Federal Credit Union accounts.
Please click on the links below to download a copy of the instructions for the specific version of Quicken that you are using to ensure your Quicken software continues to work properly with the new AeroAccess internet banking site.
Quicken for Windows Quicken for Mac 2015 Quicken for Mac 2007
OneStep Update and Mint users: Make changes to your Intuit® software or online configuration. Please carefully review the downloaded transactions after completing the migration instructions to ensure no transactions were duplicated or missed on the register.
For complete details about the New AeroAccess conversion process and a summary of the new features click here.
Thank you for your continued support of Aerospace Federal Credit Union! If you have any questions, please contact a member service concierge at 800-795-2325 during normal business hours.